men's health

Take Charge of Your Health: National Men’s Health Month

As June unfolds, it brings with it a significant reminder: it’s National Men’s Health Month. This month is dedicated to shedding light on the health challenges facing men and empower them to prioritize their well-being. Healthcare Disparities Men often exhibit a reluctance to engage with healthcare. Studies indicate they are less likely than women to …

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COVID-19 Hospitalizations Trend Downward as U.S. Moves Past Winter Peak

As the U.S. moves past the winter peak, COVID-19 hospitalizations continue to decline, providing a hopeful outlook for the nation’s healthcare system. The latest provisional figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate approximately 19,000 new hospitalizations of people with COVID-19 over the seven days ending February 17. This number is about …

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medication shortages

HHS White Paper Proposes Solutions to Mitigate Medication Shortages

April 2nd marks a significant step in the ongoing battle against medication shortages as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) releases a comprehensive white paper addressing the issue head-on. Medication shortages have plagued the nation’s healthcare system for decades, primarily due to market failures and misaligned incentives. With the release of this …

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cold chain pharmaceutical

Innovations in Cold Chain Pharmaceutical Networks

The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a transformative shift with the emergence of cold chain pharmaceutical networks. These networks are revolutionizing the storage, transportation, and distribution of pharmaceuticals. Advancements in healthcare have led to increased demand for pharmaceuticals globally. The rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in 2021 underscored the importance of cold chain logistics, prompting significant investments. …

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patient safety

Atlantic Biologicals: Prioritizing Patient Safety

Observed annually around March 10th to March 16th, Patient Safety Awareness Week serves as a reminder of the critical importance of safety in healthcare. At Atlantic Biologicals, this week holds special significance as we reaffirm our commitment to quality and safety in pharmaceutical distribution. Patient Safety Awareness Week aims to foster crucial conversations and catalyze …

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pharmaceutical packaging

The Rise of Unit-Dose Pharmaceutical Packaging

In response to evolving healthcare needs and industry trends, the demand for unit-dose-delivery devices and packaging is projecting to experience a significant spike in the coming years. According to a recent analysis by the Freedonia Group titled “The Global Unit Dose Pharmaceutical Packaging Report,” this demand is expecting to grow at an annual rate of …

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medical supplies

Critical Shortages of Essential Medical Supplies

Recent data has shed light on a concerning trend plaguing hospitals nationwide: critical shortages of essential medical supplies. According to reports, hospitals are facing an unprecedented surge in backorders, with daily numbers skyrocketing compared to pre-pandemic levels. Approximately 20% of these essential medical supplies are experiencing scarcity rates above 5%. Reaching dangerously high levels leave …

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pharmaceutical distribution

Atlantic Biologicals Stands Strong Amidst Healthcare Sector’s Turbulence

The pharmaceutical distribution landscape faces challenges in the wake of dramatic margin fluctuations and financial struggles within the hospital sector. As we enter 2024, Atlantic Biologicals, emerges as a steadfast partner, navigating the complex terrain of the healthcare industry. Understanding the Pharmaceutical Distribution Landscape 2022 marked one of the worst financial years for hospitals in …

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flu shots

Atlantic Biologicals Unveils Unexpected Benefits of Flu Shots

In the realm of healthcare, one cannot overstate the significance of preventive measures. Healthcare professionals have long championed vaccinations, particularly flu shots, as a vital defense against seasonal illnesses. However, recent research has unveiled a compelling additional benefit that extends beyond the immediate protection against the flu. It creates a potential reduction in the risk …

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